With the current console battle in a full blown war, we take a look at the Playstation 3 and its huge price tag. Everyone is going around saying the PS3 does not give justic to its price, but is this true? A simple yet sweet answer is no!
The Playstation 3 comes with a huge pricetag but should not be compared to the other systems. There is definatley a huge war going on between the major consoles. But for an avid gamer you will be losing out on a lot if you do not grab yourself all three of the major consoles, which are PS3, Xbox 360 and the Wii. We will now take a look at why you need all three.
Playstation 3
Well the ultimate Playstation brand is much loved in the gaming world, and to be honest the PS3 has not let anyone down. Although the console is expensive, lets sit down and think what you are getting. A hard drive, probably a console with the best rendering of graphics, top titles and not to mention the Blu-ray. The Blue-rays probably end up costing more than the whole system.
Xbox 360The 1st system to launch has a huge advantage over its competitors and that is very much great progress. The developers know how to manupulate the 360's for optimal performance. Let alone to mention that it has a lot more games than the other two.
WiiThe Nintendo Wii revolutionised playing consoles and games and with that came a new world of experience. Although a lot of the games may not be strict, they are very fun and rewarding to play. The Nintendi Wii us a fabuous system that is family orientated.
As you can see from the above all systems have their own benefits, but one of the main benefits is the wide range of the games. Most games only have sole rights to each console, so not obtaining all three could see you missing out on a great title. Finally I would say the Playstation 3 is well worth a buy.
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